Bulgarian Lev Exchange Rate Today

7 Nov 2024 at 4 AM

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Bulgarian Lev Exchange Rate Today - BGN Currency Exchange

Today's Bulgarian Lev exchange rate is displayed below against our top 40 worldwide currencies. The Bulgarian Lev exchange rate was last updated today Thu 7th November at 04:29. The ISO code for the Bulgarian Lev is BGN and is used in 1 worldwide countries. To compare Bulgarian Lev currency exchange rates, please see the live currency rates table below.

Bulgarian Lev Exchange Rates

Currency Exchange Rates1 BGN
British Pound BGN GBP 0.42462 Bulgarian Lev to Pound
UAE Dirham BGN AED 2.01556 Bulgarian Lev to UAE Dirham
Australian Dollar BGN AUD 0.82853 Bulgarian Lev to Australian Dollar
Brazilian Real BGN BRL 3.11558 Bulgarian Lev to Brazilian Real
Canadian Dollar BGN CAD 0.76225 Bulgarian Lev to Canadian Dollar
Swiss Franc BGN CHF 0.48046 Bulgarian Lev to Swiss Franc
Danish Krone BGN DKK 3.80987 Bulgarian Lev to Danish Krone
Egyptian Pound BGN EGP 27.01582 Bulgarian Lev to Egyptian Pound
Euro BGN EUR 0.51082 Bulgarian Lev to Euro
Hong Kong Dollar BGN HKD 4.2662 Bulgarian Lev to Hong Kong Dollar
Hungarian Forint BGN HUF 209.1784 Bulgarian Lev to Hungarian Forint
Indonesian Rupiah BGN IDR 8658.703 Bulgarian Lev to Indonesian Rupiah
Israeli Sheqel BGN ILS 2.05124 Bulgarian Lev to Israeli Sheqel
Indian Rupee BGN INR 46.25601 Bulgarian Lev to Rupee
Iraqi Dinar BGN IQD 718.2070 Bulgarian Lev to Iraqi Dinar
Iran Rial BGN IRR 23105.09 Bulgarian Lev to Iran Rial
Icelandic Krona BGN ISK 75.75487 Bulgarian Lev to Icelandic Krona
Japanese Yen BGN JPY 84.54538 Bulgarian Lev to Yen
Kenyan Shilling BGN KES 70.72833 Bulgarian Lev to Kenyan Shilling
South Korean Won BGN KRW 766.7743 Bulgarian Lev to South Korean Won
Sri Lankan Rupee BGN LKR 160.5282 Bulgarian Lev to Sri Lankan Rupee
Moroccan Dirham BGN MAD 5.41789 Bulgarian Lev to Moroccan Dirham
Mauritius Rupee BGN MUR 25.52783 Bulgarian Lev to Mauritius Rupee
Mexican Peso BGN MXN 11.0605 Bulgarian Lev to Mexican Peso
Malaysian Ringgit BGN MYR 2.42136 Bulgarian Lev to Malaysian Ringgit
Norwegian Krone BGN NOK 6.06187 Bulgarian Lev to Norwegian Krone
New Zealand Dollar BGN NZD 0.91634 Bulgarian Lev to New Zealand Dollar
Philippine Peso BGN PHP 32.24041 Bulgarian Lev to Philippine Peso
Qatari Riyal BGN QAR 1.99904 Bulgarian Lev to Qatari Riyal
Russian Rouble BGN RUB 53.35096 Bulgarian Lev to Russian Rouble
Saudi Riyal BGN SAR 2.06145 Bulgarian Lev to Saudi Riyal
Swedish Krona BGN SEK 5.94348 Bulgarian Lev to Swedish Krona
Singapore Dollar BGN SGD 0.7298 Bulgarian Lev to Singapore Dollar
Thai Baht BGN THB 18.85056 Bulgarian Lev to Baht
Turkish Lira BGN TRY 18.76295 Bulgarian Lev to Lira
Taiwan Dollar BGN TWD 17.70376 Bulgarian Lev to Taiwan Dollar
Us Dollar BGN USD 0.54875 Bulgarian Lev to Dollar
South African Rand BGN ZAR 9.65598 Bulgarian Lev to South African Rand

Which countries use the Bulgarian Lev?

The following countries use the currency code BGN today:


Bulgarian Lev Exchange Rate News

The latest Bulgarian Lev Exchange Rate Headlines sourced from Google Finance

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