United Arab Emirates Dirham Exchange Rate Today

14 Oct 2024 at 6 PM

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United Arab Emirates Dirham Exchange Rate Today - AED Currency Exchange

Today's United Arab Emirates Dirham exchange rate is displayed below against our top 40 worldwide currencies. The United Arab Emirates Dirham exchange rate was last updated today Mon 14th October at 18:24. The ISO code for the United Arab Emirates Dirham is AED and is used in 1 worldwide countries. To compare United Arab Emirates Dirham currency exchange rates, please see the live currency rates table below.

United Arab Emirates Dirham Exchange Rates

Currency Exchange Rates1 AED
British Pound AED GBP 0.20878 UAE Dirham to Pound
Australian Dollar AED AUD 0.40558 UAE Dirham to Australian Dollar
Bulgarian Lev AED BGN 0.48863 UAE Dirham to Bulgarian Lev
Brazilian Real AED BRL 1.52038 UAE Dirham to Brazilian Real
Canadian Dollar AED CAD 0.37597 UAE Dirham to Canadian Dollar
Swiss Franc AED CHF 0.23523 UAE Dirham to Swiss Franc
Danish Krone AED DKK 1.86543 UAE Dirham to Danish Krone
Egyptian Pound AED EGP 13.24306 UAE Dirham to Egyptian Pound
Euro AED EUR 0.25002 UAE Dirham to Euro
Hong Kong Dollar AED HKD 2.11563 UAE Dirham to Hong Kong Dollar
Hungarian Forint AED HUF 100.1946 UAE Dirham to Hungarian Forint
Indonesian Rupiah AED IDR 4243.114 UAE Dirham to Indonesian Rupiah
Israeli Sheqel AED ILS 1.02522 UAE Dirham to Israeli Sheqel
Indian Rupee AED INR 22.90797 UAE Dirham to Rupee
Iraqi Dinar AED IQD 357.0397 UAE Dirham to Iraqi Dinar
Iran Rial AED IRR 11472.23 UAE Dirham to Iran Rial
Icelandic Krona AED ISK 37.33023 UAE Dirham to Icelandic Krona
Japanese Yen AED JPY 40.83571 UAE Dirham to Yen
Kenyan Shilling AED KES 35.15854 UAE Dirham to Kenyan Shilling
South Korean Won AED KRW 370.0007 UAE Dirham to South Korean Won
Sri Lankan Rupee AED LKR 79.85642 UAE Dirham to Sri Lankan Rupee
Moroccan Dirham AED MAD 2.67191 UAE Dirham to Moroccan Dirham
Mauritius Rupee AED MUR 12.59418 UAE Dirham to Mauritius Rupee
Mexican Peso AED MXN 5.27128 UAE Dirham to Mexican Peso
Malaysian Ringgit AED MYR 1.17032 UAE Dirham to Malaysian Ringgit
Norwegian Krone AED NOK 2.94161 UAE Dirham to Norwegian Krone
New Zealand Dollar AED NZD 0.44779 UAE Dirham to New Zealand Dollar
Philippine Peso AED PHP 15.65295 UAE Dirham to Philippine Peso
Qatari Riyal AED QAR 0.9935 UAE Dirham to Qatari Riyal
Russian Rouble AED RUB 26.04918 UAE Dirham to Russian Rouble
Saudi Riyal AED SAR 1.02317 UAE Dirham to Saudi Riyal
Swedish Krona AED SEK 2.843 UAE Dirham to Swedish Krona
Singapore Dollar AED SGD 0.35662 UAE Dirham to Singapore Dollar
Thai Baht AED THB 9.06498 UAE Dirham to Baht
Turkish Lira AED TRY 9.33776 UAE Dirham to Lira
Taiwan Dollar AED TWD 8.77598 UAE Dirham to Taiwan Dollar
Us Dollar AED USD 0.27248 UAE Dirham to Dollar
South African Rand AED ZAR 4.79202 UAE Dirham to South African Rand

Which countries use the United Arab Emirates Dirham?

The following countries use the currency code AED today:

United arab emirates,

United Arab Emirates Dirham Exchange Rate News

The latest United Arab Emirates Dirham Exchange Rate Headlines sourced from Google Finance

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