Uae Dirham to Malaysian Ringgit Exchange Rate Today

19 Apr 2024 at 2 AM

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Uae Dirham to Malaysian Ringgit Exchange Rate Today - AED MYR

On this page you can convert Uae Dirham to Malaysian Ringgit using live currency exchange rates today. Use the Uae Dirham to Malaysian Ringgit converter to get an idea of the value of your currency exchange requirement.

Convert Dirhams to Malaysian Ringgit

Live rates: 19 Apr 2024 at 2 AM
(AED) UAE Dirham 1 AED = 1.3035 MYR
TO =
Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 1 MYR = 0.7671 AED

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AED to MYR Today


MYR to AED Today


Uae Dirham Malaysian Ringgit Historical Statistics

Below you will find the Uae Dirham Malaysian Ringgit chart with the ability to select a range of dates.

Over the last 365 days, the highest value for the AED MYR was on Tue 20/02/2024 with a value of 1.3074 (+0.0038999999999998 compared to today's value of 1.3035).
Over the last 365 days, the lowest value for the AED MYR was on Fri 05/05/2023 with a value of 1.2082 (-0.0953 compared to today's value of 1.3035).

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